On August 31, General Election Network for Disability Access (AGENDA) partner Cambodian Disabled People Organization (CDPO) organized a virtual consultative workshop where government officials and disabled people organization (DPO) representatives discussed access to free of charge health care services for persons with disabilities in Cambodia. Mr. Yeab Malino, Director of Department of Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth gave opening remarks and a presentation. Mr. Malino mentioned that referral hospitals and commune public health centers provide free health care treatment for persons with disabilities and include facilities such as ramps for persons with disabilities to access health care services. Mr. Sa Chivoirn, Deputy Director of the Department of Identification of Poor Families of the Ministry of Planning raised the importance of the equity card provided by the government of Cambodia for poor families to access free health care services and cash support during the COVID-19 pandemic era. Mr. Sok Srun, Director of Department of Hospital Services of Ministry of Health reiterated that the state is responsible for providing health care services for poor families and persons with disabilities in Cambodia. The Ministry of Health has drafted a “Quality of Culture” bill which focuses on ensuring the quality of health care services for poor families and persons with disabilities in Cambodia. Participants include 30 people with representatives from 22 DPOs in Cambodia.
Consultative Workshop on Accessible Healthcare Services Free of Charge in Cambodia