Hanoi ILC was established in January 2009 with a focus on providing assistances to people with severe disabilities from all types of disabilities. It officially became a member organization of Hanoi Disabled People Association (DP Hanoi) in 2011 and registered in 2014. Its missions include (1) to help persons with severe disabilities to live independently, fulfill their rights to full participation and develop their potential and abilities in the community; (2) promote and expand the Independent Living Movement in Vietnam and advocate for establishing a system of supporting for independent living of persons with disabilities by the Vietnamese government; (3) carry out advocacy plans for upholding the rights of persons with disabilities in Vietnam. Its main activities and services include peer counseling, independent living programs, training and providing personal assistance, providing information on disability-related international and national legislations, and advocacy for the rights of persons with disabilities especially in the area of accessibility, political participations, UN CRPD implementation, and the ASEAN Enabling Masterplan 2025.

Hanoi ILC
42 Kim Ma Thuong st., Hanoi, Vietnam
Email: ttsongdoclaphn@gmail.com