Discussion america on Pilkada Jakarta 2017 Jakarta 2017-03-21

Discussion at @america on Pilkada Jakarta 2017

February 24, 2017

On February 21st, 2017 AGENDA organized a discussion with the theme ‘Pilkada Jakarta 2017: Lesson Learned and Turnout Voters with Disabilities’ at Pacific Place 3rd Floor @america. There were 3 speakers at the discussion Betty Epsilon Idroos – Provincial KPU of Jakarta, Achmad Fachruddin – Provincial Supervisory Body of Jakarta and Muhammad Zaid…

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AGENDA Disability Right Advisor became Resource Person at METRO TV

February 23, 2017

On Feb 14, AGENDA Disability Rights Advisor became one of the resource person at ‘Selamat Pagi Indonesia’ (Good Morning Indonesia ) talk shOw in METRO TV, a private nationwide television network in Indonesia. The theme of the talk show was ‘Citizen’s enthusiasm on 2017 concurrent elections’. AGENDA Disability Rights Advisor discussed in the…

AGENDA talk show at TVRI on Voters with Disabilities, Jakarta, 2017-03-06

AGENDA talk show at TVRI on Voters with Disabilities, Jakarta, 2017-03-06

February 23, 2017

On Feb 6, AGENDA Disability Rights Advisor became one of the speakers at the TV Talk show at the National Television of Indonesia (TVRI) Indonesia today program at 2 – 2.30 PM. The topic was ‘We also want to vote”. The talk  show discussed about participation of voters with disabilities in regional head…

Banten Socialization to Voters with Disabilities

February 6, 2017

On Jan 31, AGENDA facilitated the socialization of the Accessible Election to voters with disabilities organized by the Provincial KPU of Banten. The activity was the last activity of the series election related activities involving person with disabilities prior to 2017 Banten Gubernatorial Election.

“Let’s make Jakarta’s 2017 Gubernatorial Election more Disability-Inclusive!”

October 26, 2016


Please attend an event "Let's make Jakarta's 2017 Gubernatorial Election more Disability-Inclusive!" @America, Pacific Place Jakarta, on 2 November 2016 at 4 - 5.30 pm. Kindly please share this information to your colleagues. Its a FREE event for ALL!

AICHR-TOT-Group Meeing

AICHR Training Programme on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

October 25, 2016

On October 11-14, AGENDA Disability Right Advisor participated in the AICHR Training Programme on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Bangkok and became the speaker in the session on the Role of Policy Makers on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.  The training aims to creating a better understanding on the rights…

Media Competition Launching 2016-09-23_discussion

AGENDA Launches “Journalist Competition on Accessible Elections” along with KPU RI and Indonesian Press Council

September 30, 2016

On 23 September, the General Election Network for Disability Access (AGENDA) launched its “Journalist Competition on Accessible Elections”, a six-month journalism competition that supports rights-based reporting on disability access in Indonesia’s 2017 regional head elections. AGENDA, in collaboration with the Indonesian General Election Commission (KPU RI) and the Indonesian Press Council, opened the…

APF thematic workshop, Dili, 2016-08-04

AGENDA’s thematic workshop in ASEAN People’s Forum

August 12, 2016

As part of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Civil Society Conference/ASEAN People’s Forum (ACSC/APF), the General Election Network for Disability Access (AGENDA) organized a thematic workshop titled “A More Inclusive ASEAN Community: Upholding the Rights of Persons with Disabilities to Participate in Public Life” on 4 August 2016.

The General Election Network for Disability Access (AGENDA)’s publication on Disability Access and Inclusion in the Political Processes of Four Southeast Asian Countries was highlighted in ACE’s August 2016 Newsletter as one of three Publications by ACE Partners and Members of the Practitioners' Network. The ACE Electoral Knowledge Network produces a newsletter featuring…