On June 17, AGENDA/JPPR organized a tailoring workshop to review the existing AGENDA checklist. It involved few seasoned observers from various election civil society organizations with significant election monitoring background and also disabled people’s organizations. The workshop has established 3 (three) checklist that are going to be used in AGENDA’s monitoring mission in 5 provinces (Aceh, Jakarta, Central Java, South Sulawesi and South Kalimantan) at July 9 Presidential Election. The seasoned observers were from Bawaslu RI, Bawaslu DKI, Pertuni, FKPCTI, Perludem, Indepth Indonesia, Ansipol, Kemitraan, Gerkatin Indonesia, PPDI, PPUA Penca, KIPP Jakarta, ANFREL, JPPR.
Monitoring Checklist Tailoring Workshop