On September 17, AGENDA participated in the Election Supervisory Body’s (Bawaslu) focus group discussion (FGD) on the “Evaluation of Election Observation Tools” alongside CSOs that work in the monitoring of accessible elections, including the Constitution and Democracy Initiative (KoDE Inisiatif), Independent Committee for Election Oversight (KIPP), People’s Voter Education Network (JPPR), Democracy and Electoral Empowerment Partnership (DEEP), and Association for the Development of Islamic Boarding School and Civil Society (P3M). AGENDA offered suggestions to strengthen Bawaslu’s election observation tools, such as the need for observers at all levels to have sufficient knowledge and awareness of disability issues and that observers should be involved starting with the voter registration process instead of focusing exclusively on Election Day, as is current practice. Feedback from the discussion will be incorporated in developing observation tools for the next election.
Bawaslu’s FGD on the ‘Evaluation of Election Observation Tools’ and AGENDA participation